Tax Evasion and its Penalties in Nigeria

Tax evasion in Nigeria

Tax evasion, the deliberate act of not paying owed taxes, might seem like a shortcut to financial freedom, but in reality, it leads individuals and businesses down a treacherous path of consequences. Understanding the ramifications is crucial in Nigeria, where tax evasion is taken very seriously.

Understanding Tax Evasion in Nigeria

Tax evasion encompasses a range of activities, from underreporting income to hiding money in offshore accounts. Individuals and businesses involved in tax evasion not only harm the country’s economy but also risk severe penalties. The Nigerian tax system, governed by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), demands compliance from all citizens and business owners, ensuring that revenue is generated to fund essential public services and infrastructural development.

Implications of Tax Evasion

Tax evasion doesn’t just harm the government; it affects society. When individuals and businesses evade taxes, the government has less revenue to invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, which are vital for the nation’s progress. Moreover, tax evasion creates an unfair burden on honest taxpayers, leading to a loss of trust in the system.

Punitive Measures in Nigeria

The Nigerian government takes strict action against tax evasion, imposing fines, imprisonment, or both based on the severity. FIRS conducts rigorous investigations, leading to guilty parties paying evaded taxes and penalties, including fines and asset forfeiture.

Section 40 of the Federal Inland Revenue Services Act 2007 states that tax evaders face criminal charges, liable to pay the withheld tax and a 10% penalty per annum.

Failure to remit profits under the Companies Income Tax Act incurs penalties, starting at N25,000 for the first default month and N5,000 for subsequent ones. Tax receipts are crucial for migration and business registration abroad.

Tax laws can be tricky, and there’s a big difference between dodging taxes and being smart about them. That’s where TaxPal and our tax guide, come into play. With TaxPal, you won’t just avoid the steep fines that come with mistakes but also make sure you’re set for doing business internationally. After all, having your tax certificates & receipts in order is necessary for working internationally and moving to new places.


While a regular tax preparer makes sure you’re filing your taxes correctly, a strategist from TaxPal takes it further by looking at your big picture and coming up with ways to pay less tax over time. They turn a boring chore into a chance to save money and adhere to tax laws while growing your business.

Ready to outsmart your taxes? TaxPal is here for you. Schedule a free consultation, where we’ll guide you on transforming taxes into a strategic advantage for both you and your business.”